JavaScript :
•Interpreted language
•Code can be included in an HTML file
–Downloaded with .html file
–Interpreted by browser
–Browser dependencies
•Client side, Server side
–Client: In a browser, JavaScript embedded in html web pages
•Relation to Java
          –Similar in syntax
•JavaScript is case sensitive
E.g., null is not the same as Null, NULL, or any other variant. 
General Uses of JavaScript :
•Adds full programming language features to web scripting
          –E.g., variables, iteration, functions
•Dynamic creation of HTML code
          –HTML code can easily be output to the browser
          –Dynamically interpreted by browser

Embedding JavaScript in HTML - 1 :
•<script> tag
–Can place a block of JavaScript code into HTML file
•LANGUAGE attribute specifies version
–E.g., <SCRIPT LANGUAGE="JavaScript1.2">
–SRC attribute can specify name of a file containing JavaScript program code
•Use JavaScript stmts prior to closing tag for error handling
These statements ignored except if there is an error
Embedding JavaScript in HTML - 2 :
•JavaScript Stmts as HTML Attribute Values
–Place JavaScript expression within { braces }
•Use “&” and “;” as with special characters in HTML
  <HR WIDTH="&{barWidth};%" ALIGN="LEFT">
–Some HTML tag attributes expect the attribute value to be a script (e.g., JavaScript)
•E.g., onClick attribute
•onClick=“alert(‘You clicked the button’)”
Comments in JavaScript :
// this is a comment
  /* this starts a
multiline comment
<!-- is a single line comment also
- JavaScript does not recognize the --> closing bracket
Identifiers :
•First character
        –ASCII letter
        –Underscore (_)
        –Dollar sign ($)
•Next characters
        –Letters, digits, underscores, $
•Cannot be the same as keywords (reserved words)
Defining & Calling Functions :
•Defining functions
function started with function keyword.
•Then, function name
–Parameter list
•Comma separate list, in parentheses
•Names only; No data types
–The statements in the function in curly braces
  <SCRIPT LANGUAGE="JavaScript">
  function square (number) {

   return number * number;
•Calling functions
–Name function and give actual parameters in parenthesis
Variables, Objects, & Properties :
•Variable – a simple (unstructured) variable
            var variableName
             var variableName = value
•Object – a structured variable
           –Objects have associated properties
           –Properties can be data or functions
•Properties access syntax:
            –If the object named “myCar” already exists, this creates three properties for the      object
            myCar.make = "Ford"
            myCar.model = "Mustang"
            myCar.year = 69;
Global Variables :
•Omitting a “var” declaration in an assignment creates a global varible
x = 10 // x has not appeared before; x is global
Arrays :

var a = new Array(); // using array constructor
var b = [1.2, “JavaScript”, false]; // literal array
–Start at element 0, up to N-1

Primitive Types & Reference Types :
•“Primitive” types represented “by value”
•Non-primitive types (e.g., arrays)
                  –Represented “by reference”
Dynamic Typing & Operators :
•The type of a variable can be changed
         var char = “ford”
         char = 25
•String concatenation: “+”
         char = 2001 + “toyota” 
Example :
•Use document.write to create a fragment of JavaScript code that outputs the value of two variables, on separate lines in the browser
Creating Objects :
•Object initializer
objectName = {property1:value1, property2:value2,..., propertyN:valueN}
•Object constructor: this object
        function car(make, model, year) {
                                         this.make = make
                                         this.model = model
                                         this.year = year
–Now you can create an object called mycar as follows:
  mycar = new car("Eagle", "Talon TSi", 1993)
Object Values - 1 :
•Numbers: integer and real
–E.g., 42 or 3.14159  or -3.1E12
–026 (begins with 0– octal); 0xff (begins with 0x – hex)
•Logical (Boolean) values
–true or false
•Strings: double quoted & single quoted
–Special characters
\n – newline
\\ - backslash character
\ can be used to escape characters, e.g., to insert a quote
          –keyword denoting “no value”

Object Values – 2 :
•Arrays, Objects
                –Variables can take on the value of functions
                   function square(num) { return num * num;}
                  var func = square;
                  // func can be called like square
                   var val = func(5);
                   document.write (“square of 5= “, val);
Object Values – 2 :
•Arrays, Objects
–Variables can take on the value of functions
   function square(num) { return num * num;}
var func = square;
// func can be called like square
var val = func(5);
document.write (“square of 5= “, val);

Functions as Properties :
Use Syntax:
                   –objectName.methodName (arguments...)
                   –where objectName: name of the object
                   –methodName: name of the method
                   –Arguments: comma separated list of arguments
•Standard Functions & Objects
                   –“document” is a predefined object
•“document” refers to the document of the browser
•“write” is a method of document
Control Structures - 1 :
if (expression)
[ else statement2 ]
if (expression)
else if (expression2)
Control Structures - 2 :
Switch (n) {
  // statements
Control Structures - 3 :\
while (expression)
while (expression);
for (initialize; test; increment)
// iterate through object properties
for (variable in object)
Event Handling :
•User interface programs are often written in an event-driven style
•Program code (e.g., a function) is associated with kinds of user actions
            –E.g., mouse click
            –Tab key
            –Enter  key
            –Page/frame entry/exit
•System (e.g., browser) calls function each time an event occurs
HTML Forms & JavaScript Events :
•HTML forms
           –Input elements:
•text fields, buttons, file selections etc.
•Browser JavaScript objects for each of these elements
•Event handlers
          –Each input element can have a JavaScript event handler
Events :
•Events defined for HTML input elements
onfocus, onblur, onselect, onchange, onclick, ondblclick, onmousedown, onmouseup,
onmouseover, onmousemove, onmouseout, onkeypress, onkeydown, onkeyup
•Can attach function properties to each of these
•onclick, onchange – particularly important
How do you access values? :
•For example, text values
•Can access the form input element
•See examples:
Misc :
•Browser Status Line
            –status variable refers to bottom line of browser window
           –See navigation.htm example
•Some output functions don’t take multiple parameters
           –E.g., alert function only takes one parameter
           –See alert.htm example
Tools :
•JavaScript can be generated by
